• Categories

2020 Year in Review

Announcements | January 1, 2021
It is fair to say this year has been a difficult one for all schools, with countless challenges to face and obstacles to overcome. I only hope that you, and your school communities, have found solutions to alleviate the challenges, as changeable as they will likely...

Pamoja Online Teacher PD course

Announcements | November 24, 2020
As part of our commitment to supporting teachers around the world, we have curated a Blended and Flipped Learning professional development guide, free of charge to all educators.  Drawing from over a decade of training delivery and continuous teacher standards...

Pamoja Online Courses via ManageBac

Announcements | August 21, 2020
Since Pamoja joined forces with ManageBac in June 2020, our Global Team has been hard at work to make life better for our mutual 700+ schools and to ensure that Pamoja is affordable and accessible for every IB Diploma student and school. Within the past two months, we...