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TED Talks psychology playlist

Psychology, Blog | April 8, 2019
TED describes itself as a non-profit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. (TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design.) Psychology has been a major focus of interest and currently there are 241 talks and 161 blog posts on...

The teenage brain

Psychology, Blog, Teacher posts | March 29, 2019
The brain is far from ‘static’ as research has shown that complex neural networks can be modified and changed in a process known as neuroplasticity.  This process is of particular significance in young children during their early brain development. The very rapid...

Oliver Sacks

Psychology, Blog, Teacher posts | March 4, 2019
The case study of Clive Wearing (CW), one of the most famous in cognitive psychology, was undertaken by Oliver Sacks. Sacks was intrigued with how herpes viral encephalitis, which Wearing contacted in 1985, impacted CW’s memory. At the time, CW was a musician. The...

Effective study techniques in Psychology

Psychology, Blog | February 25, 2019
Stephen Chew, a psychology professor from Samford University, presents a series of short lectures on study techniques. These videos are aimed at university students, but the IB Psychology course is a university-level class, and the suggestions made are hugely relevant...

Malala Yousafzai

Psychology, Blog | February 8, 2019
At the start of IB Psychology Course you read about Malala Yousafzai who in 2012 survived a terrorist attack.  As you recall, she was not intimidated and has since worked tirelessly to support international efforts to educate girls. In December 2014, Malala accepted...

Responding to the “explain” command term

Psychology, Blog | February 7, 2019
The “explain” command term in an Short Answer Question requires that you give a detailed account of a psychological concept, theory or model. For example, you might be asked to explain localisation of function from the Biological Approach, a model of memory or...